In July of 2007, Joe Moore patted himself on the back for drawing up one of his famous non-binding resolutions for his SIEU buddy's. Here's the famous quote from his e-mail blast.
"Finally, every meeting ends with the introduction of new ordinances by the members of the City Council. Along with Aldermen Freddrenna Lyle, Toni Preckwinkle, and Ricardo Munoz, I was proud to co-sponsor an ordinance that would void a new contract that the City made with a private airport security company. The reason is simple: their terms are in violation of Chicago's Living Wage Ordinance. Vigilance on behalf of Chicago's workers is constantly necessary and I continue to pledge to fight for fair wages for all citizens throughout our city".
Well, the Reader reports that non-binding resolution was nothing more than bird cage liner. Joe once again played everyone for suckers. Including the SIEU and those fighting for a living wage. Joe Moore had a chance to stand up 23 times to bitch about this company since he signed this butt wipe resolution. Yet, hot air Joe Moore did nothing. Take a look at the voucher payments Universal Security has received since that resolution was passed. Don't tell me if Joe Moore is fighting for a living wage. His record says NO!
PV04070403096 - 02/11/2008 - $560.50
PV04070402994 - 01/31/2008 - $70,670.19
PV04070403079 - 01/31/2008 - $60,741.86
PV85078503159 - 01/25/2008 - $372,754.40
PV85078561815 - 01/14/2008 - $82,942.15
PV85078561824 - 01/14/2008 - $100,940.24
PV85078503158 - 12/28/2007 - $299,056.96
PV85078561814 - 12/20/2007 - $82,005.52
PV04070402634 - 12/12/2007 - $76,596.20
PV04070402617 - 12/03/2007 - $120,853.71
PV85078502296 - 11/30/2007 - $367,173.02
PV85078502829 - 11/28/2007 - $299,056.96
PV04070402391 - 11/09/2007 - $6,582.21
PV04070402313 - 10/30/2007 - $99,977.63
PV04070402181 - 10/16/2007 - $5,619.75
PV85078561638 - 10/12/2007 - $83,998.88
PV85078561604 - 10/03/2007 - $66,309.26
PV85078561605 - 10/03/2007 - $79,271.21
PV85078502280 - 09/28/2007 - $282,075.26
PV04070402058 - 09/24/2007 - $96,528.92
PV04070402057 - 09/20/2007 - $40,630.44
PV85078502279 - 09/07/2007 - $262,831.06
PV85078502230 - 08/09/2007 - $235,019.98
Total: $3,192,196.50
During the election season, Joe Moore did nothing but grandstand for a living wage. When it came time to 'pay the piper', Joe's horn blew silent.
Posted by Craig Gernhardt
Thursday, February 21, 2008
A Note from The Shadow
A brief road trip left me with almost no internet access for the last 48 hours. I didn't think of that possibility when I started this over the weekend. My apologies to those who had started reading this blog already. Next time I'll have to find a friend to fill in for me.
When I read the blogs I figured that these guys must do nothing but sit at their computers all day. This is probably true. I mean who sits at home listening to a police scanner? Who has time to sit in coffeeshops reading blogs? Not me. There were SO many posts!
But now that I'm forced to take a closer look, this experience has shown me HOW MUCH of their material is lifted from other sites, legitimate journalists, and --mostly--from each other!
Now, I will include links to other sources but not back to either of their sites. I have not figured out how to include Craig's videos but give me some time and I'll figure it out. Tips? Mannis has put a copyright on some of his photos and I have not included those. I am waiting for word from Blogspot as to whether his posting of them makes them fair game. Any lawyers out there have the answer?
Thanks to all those who have sent me encouraging comments.
When I read the blogs I figured that these guys must do nothing but sit at their computers all day. This is probably true. I mean who sits at home listening to a police scanner? Who has time to sit in coffeeshops reading blogs? Not me. There were SO many posts!
But now that I'm forced to take a closer look, this experience has shown me HOW MUCH of their material is lifted from other sites, legitimate journalists, and --mostly--from each other!
Now, I will include links to other sources but not back to either of their sites. I have not figured out how to include Craig's videos but give me some time and I'll figure it out. Tips? Mannis has put a copyright on some of his photos and I have not included those. I am waiting for word from Blogspot as to whether his posting of them makes them fair game. Any lawyers out there have the answer?
Thanks to all those who have sent me encouraging comments.
Neighbor Loves Getting Neighbors Vehicles Towed

Saturday, 2:58 p.m. - The man in the status car, between the van and the other car, says to me, "You photographing my poles“?
“Uhm, say,” I respond, “that van is illegally parked.”
I’m on the phone with the police right now, gonna get him towed,” he says.
Source: the Bench
What Neighbors Say
49th said... We have called the Alderman's office numerous times about this guy who rents a condo on that street. He owns 2 of the nicest cars on the block and continually plays the "car roulette" game of sliding one into the handicapped spot and driving the other.
For residents there, it is a waste of possibly 4-5 legit parking spots, which is absolute gold on that block, esp. in the summer with the beach parking. It's a joke. They have done nothing. It is a joke to have 2 handicapped spots so close together on a street with limited parking esp. when they are SO BIG!
The other spot in question is used maybe once a month when the lady walks her groceries inside and doesn't use her garage! The guy can be seen every night calling the cops and they know exactly who he is and where he lives. He has threatened several neighbors that park too close to his bumper.
Tow trucks are there on a regular basis and this guy is very shady, actually was arrested one night. His landlord has been trying to get him removed for months with no avail.
The Alderman would do this block a big favor and investigate the owners of these permits because it is tiring doing the Rogers Park 500 around the block every night after 6 pm with these spots taunting you.
Loyola Beachbum said...
There is no reason for this nonsense. Mayor Daley makes me pay an additional $35.00 for my residential parking sticker and half the time I don't need it because I have to park on a street that does not require it because of these outrageous handicapped spots. I'm tired of driving around the block over and over and seeing one car taking up five viable spots!
More Woes
Why can't they fix this issue on Pratt? Handicapped Spaces Rarely Used on Pratt
Posted by Craig Gernhardt
“Uhm, say,” I respond, “that van is illegally parked.”
I’m on the phone with the police right now, gonna get him towed,” he says.
Source: the Bench
What Neighbors Say
49th said... We have called the Alderman's office numerous times about this guy who rents a condo on that street. He owns 2 of the nicest cars on the block and continually plays the "car roulette" game of sliding one into the handicapped spot and driving the other.
For residents there, it is a waste of possibly 4-5 legit parking spots, which is absolute gold on that block, esp. in the summer with the beach parking. It's a joke. They have done nothing. It is a joke to have 2 handicapped spots so close together on a street with limited parking esp. when they are SO BIG!
The other spot in question is used maybe once a month when the lady walks her groceries inside and doesn't use her garage! The guy can be seen every night calling the cops and they know exactly who he is and where he lives. He has threatened several neighbors that park too close to his bumper.
Tow trucks are there on a regular basis and this guy is very shady, actually was arrested one night. His landlord has been trying to get him removed for months with no avail.
The Alderman would do this block a big favor and investigate the owners of these permits because it is tiring doing the Rogers Park 500 around the block every night after 6 pm with these spots taunting you.
Loyola Beachbum said...
There is no reason for this nonsense. Mayor Daley makes me pay an additional $35.00 for my residential parking sticker and half the time I don't need it because I have to park on a street that does not require it because of these outrageous handicapped spots. I'm tired of driving around the block over and over and seeing one car taking up five viable spots!
More Woes
Why can't they fix this issue on Pratt? Handicapped Spaces Rarely Used on Pratt
Posted by Craig Gernhardt
Water Main Break @ 7600 North Marshfield
Chicago Police are doing their best to maintain safety around the 7600 North Marshfield area. But a water main break in the middle of the street isn't helping matters.
According to police scanner reports, this water main break was reported at 11:30 AM. Yet, as of 2:55 PM, nothing has been done to solve the matter.
The officer wondered out loud over the air if it was going to take a student or teacher to get hurt before someone came out a fixed the break and stop the flooding.
My guess is the officer is right.
Posted by Craig Gernhardt
According to police scanner reports, this water main break was reported at 11:30 AM. Yet, as of 2:55 PM, nothing has been done to solve the matter.
The officer wondered out loud over the air if it was going to take a student or teacher to get hurt before someone came out a fixed the break and stop the flooding.
My guess is the officer is right.
Posted by Craig Gernhardt
Stuck in the iceberg alley
--Video of poor sap stuck in the ice--
Yesterday I helped one asshole get out of this frozen lake that's formed in my alley. It took about ten minutes. And when I got his car out, he splashed me and drove off without a word of thanks. About 3 hours later, it happened again. This time to a Elite Security Guard. It took him and his friend 40 minutes. At the 1 minute 25 second mark of the video you can see his buddy take a tragic slip, falling on his ass and in the little ice lake.
--Video of poor sap stuck in the ice--
Then, again this morning, this car got stuck and is still lodged in the ice crevice. After my encounter with the first rude fuck who got stuck, I decided to stay warm and dry - recording the action for your pleasure. After 20 minutes of this losing battle, the driver finally decided to leave the car stuck in Iceberg and walked away.
Posted by Craig Gernhardt
Yesterday I helped one asshole get out of this frozen lake that's formed in my alley. It took about ten minutes. And when I got his car out, he splashed me and drove off without a word of thanks. About 3 hours later, it happened again. This time to a Elite Security Guard. It took him and his friend 40 minutes. At the 1 minute 25 second mark of the video you can see his buddy take a tragic slip, falling on his ass and in the little ice lake.
--Video of poor sap stuck in the ice--
Then, again this morning, this car got stuck and is still lodged in the ice crevice. After my encounter with the first rude fuck who got stuck, I decided to stay warm and dry - recording the action for your pleasure. After 20 minutes of this losing battle, the driver finally decided to leave the car stuck in Iceberg and walked away.
Posted by Craig Gernhardt
Loyola Security Said..> "Walk Three Blocks"... "Join the Gangster Disciples."

"Morse Hellhole, CBS ran a story on this incident tonight. I think a post including a link to the story would be great."- Loyola student
(Rogers Park) - Students at Loyola University charge that racial profiling is a growing problem on campus. The students and their supporters joined forces to demand the university take action. CBS 2's Dana Kozlov reports it was a frightening moment for about 100 Loyola students Monday when a man - described by witnesses as white - pointed a fake gun at a forum crowd.
It ended, according to junior Omar Kamran, when campus police wrongly accused him of being the one who did it. "He profiled me, basically, because the girl at the front desk gave him the full description of the man, that he was a white male and that he already left the building," Kamran said.
Last September, a group of students say they were simply sitting on a campus bench when a Loyola University police officer demanded to see IDs. "We asked what we did wrong, and he wouldn't tell us and then he looked us up and down and said 'what crew you runnin' with?'" said Loyola freshman Erica Granados-De La Rosa. "He said 'why don't you...go, why don't you walk three blocks south and join the Gangster Disciples?'" said student Kenneth Owens. Source.
Posted by Craig Gernhardt
(Rogers Park) - Students at Loyola University charge that racial profiling is a growing problem on campus. The students and their supporters joined forces to demand the university take action. CBS 2's Dana Kozlov reports it was a frightening moment for about 100 Loyola students Monday when a man - described by witnesses as white - pointed a fake gun at a forum crowd.
It ended, according to junior Omar Kamran, when campus police wrongly accused him of being the one who did it. "He profiled me, basically, because the girl at the front desk gave him the full description of the man, that he was a white male and that he already left the building," Kamran said.
Last September, a group of students say they were simply sitting on a campus bench when a Loyola University police officer demanded to see IDs. "We asked what we did wrong, and he wouldn't tell us and then he looked us up and down and said 'what crew you runnin' with?'" said Loyola freshman Erica Granados-De La Rosa. "He said 'why don't you...go, why don't you walk three blocks south and join the Gangster Disciples?'" said student Kenneth Owens. Source.
Posted by Craig Gernhardt
We are all safer now
Thanks to Michael James, Rogers Park restaurant owner, communist and son of a wealthy New England family. He is also the proud co-recipient of a recent $3,000 fine from the City of Chicago for violating the terms of his liquor license. But I digress.
How did Michael James make us all safer?
Why, through the Revolutionary Magik of his run for peace.
Since the run finished, all wars around the world have ceased and human nature has changed completely. Thank the God he doesn't belive in for Michael James!
Now, let's hope that Michael James will show us the site plan and permits for the event.
by T. Mannis
How did Michael James make us all safer?
Why, through the Revolutionary Magik of his run for peace.
Since the run finished, all wars around the world have ceased and human nature has changed completely. Thank the God he doesn't belive in for Michael James!
Now, let's hope that Michael James will show us the site plan and permits for the event.
by T. Mannis
50th Ward Whistleblowers
Dear neighbors,
Please come forward if you have any stories to tell about election funny business in the 50th ward. Please call one of the contacts listed below.As the Tribune reported, the investigation is ONGOING. A few of our neighbors have shown great courage in coming forward, but please, if you have any information to add, please do not assume the case is made! The recent indictments show the authorities are taking these issues very seriously, and your information could help restore democracy to the 50th ward. Please understand that at this time the investigators are especially interested in election-fraud related incidents, and incidents involving City employees, from both the 2007 and 2008 elections.Please forward this request to your neighbors. From the press reports, the schemes we know about so far apparently targeted our Indian and Pakistani communities in particular, so if anyone has any contacts in those communities, please help circulate this appeal.
Thank you!
(Name Withheld by The Bench)
Cook County States Attorney Investigations Division Help Desk (773) 869-2732; City of Chicago Inspector General Tip Line 866-448-4754 Contact info http://www.chicagoi nspectorgeneral. org/contact. html
by T. Mannis
Please come forward if you have any stories to tell about election funny business in the 50th ward. Please call one of the contacts listed below.As the Tribune reported, the investigation is ONGOING. A few of our neighbors have shown great courage in coming forward, but please, if you have any information to add, please do not assume the case is made! The recent indictments show the authorities are taking these issues very seriously, and your information could help restore democracy to the 50th ward. Please understand that at this time the investigators are especially interested in election-fraud related incidents, and incidents involving City employees, from both the 2007 and 2008 elections.Please forward this request to your neighbors. From the press reports, the schemes we know about so far apparently targeted our Indian and Pakistani communities in particular, so if anyone has any contacts in those communities, please help circulate this appeal.
Thank you!
(Name Withheld by The Bench)
Cook County States Attorney Investigations Division Help Desk (773) 869-2732; City of Chicago Inspector General Tip Line 866-448-4754 Contact info http://www.chicagoi nspectorgeneral. org/contact. html
by T. Mannis
Yahoo (exclamation mark not included)
It could be the beginning of the end of the world as Yahoo! has known it. The comments to Hackosphere's post are very interesting, too.How Yahoo Lost Its Exclamation Mark Poor Yahoo.. After reading this TechCrunch post, I feel really bad for its founders and employees. I think Jerry Yang would be longing for those early days when the company was controlled by him and not external entities and shareholders. Looks like they have a tough decision to make today. "Should we sell our souls and succumb to Microsoft or partner with Google for search advertising which may also be shot down by DOJ?". Either way, it's not good for the employees because there will be massive layoffs. FULL POST...
by T. Mannis
by T. Mannis
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Roger, Wilco Sold Out at Riviera
Pic 1: the Riviera
Pic 2: People wrapped in blankets
Pic 3: People standing in line
Fans braved the cold while waiting to get in to see rockers Wilco tonight at the Riviera Theatre in Chicago's Uptown neighborhood. The show was sold out, and the line outside the venue was long, winding north from the theater, around the corner and west along Lawrence. Wilco's show tomorrow night (2/20/08) is also sold out.
by T. Mannis
Cheeseheads, Obama and McCaine

"Obama wins Wis. for 9th straight triumph" is the AP headline.
Say, if Barack Obama was a baseball team, that'd be darned good. Heck, it's darned good for a freshman U.S. Senator running for President. Poor Hillary. Poor, poor Hillary. (Ha ha ha ha ha!) Also, John McCain won big in Wisconsin, too. Really big.
by T. Mannis
Say, if Barack Obama was a baseball team, that'd be darned good. Heck, it's darned good for a freshman U.S. Senator running for President. Poor Hillary. Poor, poor Hillary. (Ha ha ha ha ha!) Also, John McCain won big in Wisconsin, too. Really big.
by T. Mannis
Rogers Park, Weirdest Chicago Neighborhood
Add a nutjob with a fake gun to the long list of bizarre residents in the 49th Ward of Chicago. Good God, this is the weirdest neighborhood I've ever lived in.Craig's got the story at Broken Heart:A graduate of Loyola University Chicago was arrested Monday after he was observed on the Rogers Park campus with a disabled gun he had signed out of the theater department, Chicago police said.
See Loyola University On Edge Over Prop Gun.
by T. Mannis
by T. Mannis
Eminent Domaine Protest at Daley's Office

About 50 protesters gathered outside of Chicago Mayor Daley's office today to protest an eminent domain "land grab." Mayor Daley was a no-show.The peaceful but vociferous protest featured many signs, buttons, stickers and people of all ages. The event was organized by the Lawndale Alliance, an informal group of people who live in North Lawndale. The protesters accused Mayor Daley of "hiding behind his doors."The mayor's office, on the fifth floor of City Hall in Chicago's Loop, remained closed. Security guards quietly watched the protesters, but no trouble was evident.More on the Lawndale eminent domain situation in the coming days. This story is still developing...
by T. Mannis
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Loyola University on Edge Over Prop Gun

Blognotes: Seriously, what kind of clown would wave a fake gun at a group of 100 campus demonstrators, just a week after the NIU Murder Spree?
Posted by Craig Gernhardt
Posted by Craig Gernhardt
A Note from The Shadow
Apparently Mannis was on CRACK today. Or he sat on his crack and salivated all over his computer all day. Eighteen posts...? TAKE YOUR MEDS MANNIS! (Budweiser doesn't count...!)
Anyway, for those of you who wish to scroll past his latest excess I've reduced the font and downsized the photos. Come on, you can read it if you try! And if not, scroll on by.
Anyway, for those of you who wish to scroll past his latest excess I've reduced the font and downsized the photos. Come on, you can read it if you try! And if not, scroll on by.
Help Save North Lawndale
Tuesday, February 19 - that's tomorrow! - the Community Development Commission (CDC) of Chicago will hold a public hearing on the proposed Ogden-Pulaski Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Plan. This plan would allow the city to seize hundreds of homes and businesses in the close-knit, historically African American community of North Lawndale to build new residential and retail development. As you know, eminent domain is for public use - things like roads and schools - NOT to transfer property to wealthy developers. It is vital that we let the CDC know that we oppose this proposal.
Before the hearing, the Lawndale Alliance will hold a press conference to express their disapproval of the plan. We encourage you to show your support for the North Lawndale community by attending the press conference and testifying at the hearing that you oppose eminent domain for private gain. Here are the details:NORTH LAWNDALE UNDER SIEGE
Tuesday, February 19, 2008Press Conference @ 11am5th Floor, Chicago City Hall(Outside of the Mayor's office)CDC Public Hearing @ 1pm2nd Floor, City HallIf you need a ride, buses will be leaving United Baptist Church (4242 West Roosevelt) at 10am. Boarding will begin at 9:45am, and the buses should return by 3:30pm.
If you have any questions, please contact Valerie Leonard at 773-521-3137 or Joe Ann Bradley at 773-542-1133.Finally, email this post to friends TONIGHT. Let's get people down to City Hall tomorrow morning!
Best, Christina Castle, Coalition Coordinator, Arlington, VA 22203(703) 682-9320
P.S. HELP THE CASTLE COALITION RING IN THE NEW YEAR! Forward this message to your friends. If you recruit five new members, you'll be entered in a drawing to win one of 10 prizes from our Freedom Market!
by T. Mannis
Before the hearing, the Lawndale Alliance will hold a press conference to express their disapproval of the plan. We encourage you to show your support for the North Lawndale community by attending the press conference and testifying at the hearing that you oppose eminent domain for private gain. Here are the details:NORTH LAWNDALE UNDER SIEGE
Tuesday, February 19, 2008Press Conference @ 11am5th Floor, Chicago City Hall(Outside of the Mayor's office)CDC Public Hearing @ 1pm2nd Floor, City HallIf you need a ride, buses will be leaving United Baptist Church (4242 West Roosevelt) at 10am. Boarding will begin at 9:45am, and the buses should return by 3:30pm.
If you have any questions, please contact Valerie Leonard at 773-521-3137 or Joe Ann Bradley at 773-542-1133.Finally, email this post to friends TONIGHT. Let's get people down to City Hall tomorrow morning!
Best, Christina Castle, Coalition Coordinator, Arlington, VA 22203(703) 682-9320
P.S. HELP THE CASTLE COALITION RING IN THE NEW YEAR! Forward this message to your friends. If you recruit five new members, you'll be entered in a drawing to win one of 10 prizes from our Freedom Market!
by T. Mannis
Keeping an Eyes on Clark Street
Attention Help

I saw this sign last Friday evening near Gateway Centre at N. Clark and W. Howard. The sign was not dated. It reads:Attention HelpA woman walking, crossing the street light on Clark/Birchwood got hit by a car turning onto Clark St. from Dominics parking lot on Tuesday [illegible]... If you have any info including the license plate please call 773-876-7997.
by T. Mannis
A Can of Beer is a Pigeon...?
Forty Eight out of 50 Do
Traitors, Spies Lose Web Site
A web site called was just shut down by a California court. According to a report in USA Today:A federal judge in San Francisco has shut down a Web site that posted more than a million government and corporate documents from whistleblowers and others alleging criminal acts worldwide. The BBC says tonight that "The site was founded in 2006 by dissidents, journalists, mathematicians and technologists from the US, Taiwan, Europe, Australia and South Africa. It so far claims to have published more than 1.2 million documents." One of the documents they leaked was one that purported to detail the daily activities at Guantanamo.
Back in the good old days, the Americans involved with this would have been shot for treason and/or imprisoned for acts of sedition. I truly miss those days, and truly wish that these folks could legally be shot for, well, treason. I'm not sure what else to call it. Look up the terms "treason" and "sedition," and tell me how they are not guilty:Treason, sedition mean disloyalty or treachery to one's country or its government. Treason is any attempt to overthrow the government or impair the well-being of a state to which one owes allegiance; the crime of giving aid or comfort to the enemies of one's government. Sedition is any act, writing, speech, etc., directed unlawfully against state authority, the government, or constitution, or calculated to bring it into contempt or to incite others to hostility, ill will or disaffection; it does not amount to treason and therefore is not a capital offense.
by T. Mannis
Back in the good old days, the Americans involved with this would have been shot for treason and/or imprisoned for acts of sedition. I truly miss those days, and truly wish that these folks could legally be shot for, well, treason. I'm not sure what else to call it. Look up the terms "treason" and "sedition," and tell me how they are not guilty:Treason, sedition mean disloyalty or treachery to one's country or its government. Treason is any attempt to overthrow the government or impair the well-being of a state to which one owes allegiance; the crime of giving aid or comfort to the enemies of one's government. Sedition is any act, writing, speech, etc., directed unlawfully against state authority, the government, or constitution, or calculated to bring it into contempt or to incite others to hostility, ill will or disaffection; it does not amount to treason and therefore is not a capital offense.
by T. Mannis
John McCain's Stinky Finances
YIKES! I might have to vote for Obama. Can't vote for Hillary. Or could I? Not a good year for choices. I was gonna hold my nose and vote for McCain. But man the stench in here is gettin' worse by the day. This bomb shell from the American Prospect should make anybody feel verrrrr uneasy about McCain (if they weren't already):We now have the exact language of John McCain's "second loan," and it is a legal masterpiece, albeit an ethical travesty. Based on the Washington Post report, I inferred that McCain had not excluded public matching funds from the collateral for his additional loan. But it's much more complex than that. The second loan, for $1 million, was actually a modification of the first, and so it continued to exclude the certification for matching funds from the loan's collateral....McCain essentially traded away for cash his right to choose whether to participate in the system, and even his right to drop out of the presidential race, allowing the bank to force McCain "to remain an active candidate" in order to reapply for and qualify for funds. He was betting the spread (10 points) on his own primary performance! I don't think it's an exaggeration to say this is a promise to perpetuate a fraud on the American taxpayers: if he no longer intended to seek the presidency, he made a legally-binding promise to pretend to remain in the race just long enough to collect public money to repay the loan.
by T. Mannis
by T. Mannis
Energy Con Artists Going Door to Door
Watch out, folks. These con artists sound like they're pretty slick. Don't be fooled. Read the following press release from the Illinois Attorney General. If these guys approach you or a neighbor, call the Attorney General's office (more info below).
IL ATTY GENERAL LISA MADIGAN FILES SUIT AGAINST U.S. ENERGY SAVINGS CORP.Attorney General Alleges Company Used Misleading Sales Tactics to Sell Gas ContractsChicago - February 8, 2008 - Attorney General Lisa Madigan filed a lawsuit Thursday in Cook County Circuit Court against U.S. Energy Savings Corp., for allegedly selling fixed-rate gas contracts using deceptive sales tactics that falsely promise significant consumer savings in violation of the Illinois Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices Act.
“The lawsuit alleges that U.S. Energy’s door-to-door sales force sold its “Natural Gas Fixed Price Program” to the participants of Northern Illinois Gas Company’s (Nicor) Customer Select and Peoples Energy Choices for YouSM programs using various deceptive claims. Specifically, U.S. Energy sales people allegedly told consumers that the fixed-rate program would offer significant savings by locking them into a consistent gas price before rates allegedly spiked.
The complaint further alleges that U.S. Energy sales agents failed to tell consumers that the set price is actually higher than prices historically offered by regulated utility suppliers. Sales agents many times did not clarify that cancellation required a substantial penalty or indicated that consumers could cancel at any time without a penalty. The suit also alleges that some U.S. Energy sales agents negotiated contracts in English with non-English speakers.
“U.S. Energy is purposely deceiving consumers,” Attorney General Madigan said. “Many of these families signed up for this program based on the false claim that they would save on their monthly utility bills. Instead, U.S. Energy locked them into a contract that actually charged them more for natural gas.
”The complaint further alleges that customers are told during the solicitation that their bills will remain the same over the five-year contract. In fact, however, their bills may change every four months when U.S. Energy compares its estimated usage with actual usage. Moreover, when customers attempt to exercise their statutory three-day right to cancel the contract, the complaint alleges, some customers are instructed by automated message to call back at a different time, placed on hold indefinitely, transferred continuously, and/or disconnected without being able to cancel their contracts.Madigan’s Consumer Fraud Bureau has received 457complaints against U.S. Energy, many of which were filed by senior citizens, and has reviewed more than 2,000 complaints from the Citizen’s Utility Board and 254 filed with the Better Business Bureau.
Madigan’s lawsuit asks the court to enter an order prohibiting U.S. Energy from engaging in these deceptive sales practices. It also asks for a civil penalty of $50,000 for each violation committed with the intent to defraud and $10,000 for each instance where a violation was committed against a person 65 years of age or older. Further, the suit asks the court to rescind the contracts signed as a result of these deceptive practices and offer full restitution to affected consumers. Finally, it asks the court require U.S. Energy to pay all costs associated with the investigation and prosecution of the lawsuit.Assistant Attorney General Christine Nielsen is handling the case for Madigan’s Consumer Fraud Bureau. TELEPHONE THE ATTORNEY GENERAL:(800) 386-5438 (Chicago)(800) 243-0618 (Springfield)(800) 243-0607 (Carbondale)LÃnea Gratuita en Español1-866-310-8398More contact info for the A.G
by T. Mannis Posted
IL ATTY GENERAL LISA MADIGAN FILES SUIT AGAINST U.S. ENERGY SAVINGS CORP.Attorney General Alleges Company Used Misleading Sales Tactics to Sell Gas ContractsChicago - February 8, 2008 - Attorney General Lisa Madigan filed a lawsuit Thursday in Cook County Circuit Court against U.S. Energy Savings Corp., for allegedly selling fixed-rate gas contracts using deceptive sales tactics that falsely promise significant consumer savings in violation of the Illinois Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices Act.
“The lawsuit alleges that U.S. Energy’s door-to-door sales force sold its “Natural Gas Fixed Price Program” to the participants of Northern Illinois Gas Company’s (Nicor) Customer Select and Peoples Energy Choices for YouSM programs using various deceptive claims. Specifically, U.S. Energy sales people allegedly told consumers that the fixed-rate program would offer significant savings by locking them into a consistent gas price before rates allegedly spiked.
The complaint further alleges that U.S. Energy sales agents failed to tell consumers that the set price is actually higher than prices historically offered by regulated utility suppliers. Sales agents many times did not clarify that cancellation required a substantial penalty or indicated that consumers could cancel at any time without a penalty. The suit also alleges that some U.S. Energy sales agents negotiated contracts in English with non-English speakers.
“U.S. Energy is purposely deceiving consumers,” Attorney General Madigan said. “Many of these families signed up for this program based on the false claim that they would save on their monthly utility bills. Instead, U.S. Energy locked them into a contract that actually charged them more for natural gas.
”The complaint further alleges that customers are told during the solicitation that their bills will remain the same over the five-year contract. In fact, however, their bills may change every four months when U.S. Energy compares its estimated usage with actual usage. Moreover, when customers attempt to exercise their statutory three-day right to cancel the contract, the complaint alleges, some customers are instructed by automated message to call back at a different time, placed on hold indefinitely, transferred continuously, and/or disconnected without being able to cancel their contracts.Madigan’s Consumer Fraud Bureau has received 457complaints against U.S. Energy, many of which were filed by senior citizens, and has reviewed more than 2,000 complaints from the Citizen’s Utility Board and 254 filed with the Better Business Bureau.
Madigan’s lawsuit asks the court to enter an order prohibiting U.S. Energy from engaging in these deceptive sales practices. It also asks for a civil penalty of $50,000 for each violation committed with the intent to defraud and $10,000 for each instance where a violation was committed against a person 65 years of age or older. Further, the suit asks the court to rescind the contracts signed as a result of these deceptive practices and offer full restitution to affected consumers. Finally, it asks the court require U.S. Energy to pay all costs associated with the investigation and prosecution of the lawsuit.Assistant Attorney General Christine Nielsen is handling the case for Madigan’s Consumer Fraud Bureau. TELEPHONE THE ATTORNEY GENERAL:(800) 386-5438 (Chicago)(800) 243-0618 (Springfield)(800) 243-0607 (Carbondale)LÃnea Gratuita en Español1-866-310-8398More contact info for the A.G
by T. Mannis Posted
Corruptocrats for Obama
What a crowd they are, these Corruptocrats. The Schakowsky-Obama-Fagus-Moore-Corruption Crowd. Marathon Pundit has a good one about Auntie Jan Schakowsky's convicted felon hubby Bob, who thinks Obama is the man to bring Change to the White House. Writes MP:My congresscritter is the über-liberal, oops, make that über-progressive, Jan Schakowsky of Evanston. Her husband is political activist Robert Creamer, who spent most of the second half of 2006 living at the Federal Correctional Institute in Terre Haute, Indiana. Illinois conservative journalist Tom Roeser discovered that Creamer was a "Campaign Culture" instructor, where the consumer advocacy CEO talked about "'persuadable' and 'mobilizable' voters, application of quantitative approaches, and different forms of messaging and research."
by T. Mannis Posted
by T. Mannis Posted
Election Pakistan
Pakistan. A nation that begs the question, "WTF?" So far, it seems the election there had a low turnout. Musharraf appears to have lost a key ally, but the votes are still being counted. According to the Associated Press, "Balloting proceeded without major attacks, although the opposition party of assassinated ex-prime minister Benzir Bhutto claimed that 15 of its members had been killed and hundreds injured in scattered violence 'deliberately engineered to deter voters.'" That's good, I guess, by Pakistani standards. (WTF?) Well, sure it is. Here in the U.S., balloting proceeded on February 5th without major attacks, too, and we consider that to be good, right? ISLAMABAD/RAWALPINDI: As polling closed in Pakistan’s most-watched general elections on Monday and the counting of votes got under way, cadres of the Pakistan People’s Party and Nawaz Sharif’s Pakistan Muslim League (N) began taking out jubilant processions in anticipation of victory while gloom descended over the Pakistan Muslim League (Q), the former ruling party and ally of President Pervez Musharraf.
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) — President Pervez Musharraf appealed for national unity Monday as early unofficial returns showed the opposition doing well in parliamentary elections aimed at bolstering democracy and calming political strife. But after fear and apathy kept millions of voters at home, there were worries no clear winner would emerge, resuling in a government too fragmented to rally the nation against Islamic extremists.
by T. Mannis Posted
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) — President Pervez Musharraf appealed for national unity Monday as early unofficial returns showed the opposition doing well in parliamentary elections aimed at bolstering democracy and calming political strife. But after fear and apathy kept millions of voters at home, there were worries no clear winner would emerge, resuling in a government too fragmented to rally the nation against Islamic extremists.
by T. Mannis Posted
More Deaths from Global Warming
Almost 1,000 dead from cold snap in Afghanistan Kabul (AFP) Feb 16, 2008 - Nearly 1,000 people have died in heavy snowstorms and severe cold during the harshest winter to hit Afghanistan in 30 years, the disaster authority said Saturday. Officials declined to say whether or not Global Warming was responsible for the deaths. Al Gore is not returning phone calls from The Bench, nor has he sent any aid to victims of Global Warming in Afghanistan, not even a sweater.
by T. Mannis
by T. Mannis
The Whole World Hates Bush

Well, not the entire world. Not really. Bush merits African popularity. Interviewed by the BBC on the eve of his tour of Africa, President Bush was given the good news of his 80 percent popularity rating in Africa Bush Is Warmly Received in Tanzania. Popular in Africa: Bush has given more aid than any other US president.
by T. Mannis
by T. Mannis
No Union Bug?

Alderman Moore and Whole Foods are littering the 49th Ward with "green" fliers. Joe Moore is the biggest litterbug in this neighborhood, so this is not news. What is news is the fact that Joe Moore seems to be anti-union. At least, that's the appearance he is putting out there.Oh, it's printed on "100% post-consumer material with soy based ink." But let's be honest. Even though that's not as bad as new paper and oil based ink, it's still bad. Think of all the energy used to make both products, then compare it to the energy needed for one of Joe's email blasts. Very inefficient. Very wasteful. A bad example for the kids.But here's the kicker: The flier has NO UNION BUG!!!Is the the 49th Ward Green Corps Action Team anti-union? Is Joe Moore, propped up by SEIU and ACORN, suddenly shunning his union friends?Who printed this flier? And how many union members are suffering because of it?
by T. Mannis Posted
by T. Mannis Posted
Smells Like Steans Spirit

Heather Steans. The bitter little woman who had some flunkies kick me out of her bitter little victory party on February 5 now has more to be bitter about - a dirty little secret has been revealed: Steans is tied to TIF money via her wealthy family's foundation. Does this sound like "progressive" politics to you?
Steans was recently selected by the local Democrat Machine to run for the 7th District State Senate seat that was vacated by Carol Ronen in January. Ward committeemen from the 46th, 47th, 48th and 49th wards [had] 30 days to appoint someone to fill the rest of Ronen's term for the district that includes East Rogers Park, Edgewater, Ravenswood and Uptown. Steans outspent her opponent, Suzanne Elder, by a margin of nearly 20-1, yet managed to take only about 60 per cent of the vote. Steans paid dearly for her win. She will need to pay more to stay in office.
According to a report by Lorraine Swanson, "[A]sked about the campaign contributions totaling over $750,000 to national, state and local elected officials given individually by Steans' husband, Leo Smith, or in both their names, Steans called the figure "overblown." (The actual figure donated between 1998 and 2006 is $758,613 according to the Illinois Board of Elections' campaign disclosure statements.)"Steans has to run for re-election in November, but she is unopposed. The Invisible Republican Party of Illinois is putting nobody up for the 7th District seat. Suzanne Elder could run against her, but only by declaring herself an independent, a Republican, or a Green. (The Greens, by the way, would not back Elder because they are cowed by the Democrat Machine in these parts.)Heather Steans is being outed as just another corrupt politico. Many of knew she was - and is, and will continue to be. Just looking at the crowd she hangs with - David Fagus, Auntie Jan Schakowsky, Jimmy Ginderske, 49th Ward Ald. Joe Moore, 47th Ward Alderman and abuser of eminent domain Eugene Schulter, Larry Suffredin (and all the street thugs lurking at her party), tells you what she is. Can you judge someone by the company they keep? Yes, actually, often you can. Steans hangs with a dirty crowd of dirty people with dirty fingers poking into dirty deals.Within the past week we learned this disturbing news: "TIF, a financial tool used to improve an area by developing new properties, is being proposed by the Steans Family Foundation, which aims to revitalize Chicago’s West Side, including North Lawndale. If the proposed TIF redevelopment plan is approved, property taxes in the area would freeze for 23 years. The TIF then receives funding from a portion of the residents’ property taxes."
Why did Heather Steans not reveal this little bombshell prior to February 5th? Well, duh. She kept it hidden in her purse because she knew damned well that many voters - perhaps enough to have made a difference - would have held it against her.But slippery tricks with TIF money is not unusual in Chicago, and the gang that Heather Steans hangs with is very adept at funneling TIF money into their own pet projects. It will be interesting to watch what other dirty secrets we will learn about Democrat Heather Steans. If she's as similar in spirit to her political allies in the local Machine, we can anticipate many.
Can somebody analyze her D-2s? Hat tip to Broken Heart.
by T. Mannis
Steans was recently selected by the local Democrat Machine to run for the 7th District State Senate seat that was vacated by Carol Ronen in January. Ward committeemen from the 46th, 47th, 48th and 49th wards [had] 30 days to appoint someone to fill the rest of Ronen's term for the district that includes East Rogers Park, Edgewater, Ravenswood and Uptown. Steans outspent her opponent, Suzanne Elder, by a margin of nearly 20-1, yet managed to take only about 60 per cent of the vote. Steans paid dearly for her win. She will need to pay more to stay in office.
According to a report by Lorraine Swanson, "[A]sked about the campaign contributions totaling over $750,000 to national, state and local elected officials given individually by Steans' husband, Leo Smith, or in both their names, Steans called the figure "overblown." (The actual figure donated between 1998 and 2006 is $758,613 according to the Illinois Board of Elections' campaign disclosure statements.)"Steans has to run for re-election in November, but she is unopposed. The Invisible Republican Party of Illinois is putting nobody up for the 7th District seat. Suzanne Elder could run against her, but only by declaring herself an independent, a Republican, or a Green. (The Greens, by the way, would not back Elder because they are cowed by the Democrat Machine in these parts.)Heather Steans is being outed as just another corrupt politico. Many of knew she was - and is, and will continue to be. Just looking at the crowd she hangs with - David Fagus, Auntie Jan Schakowsky, Jimmy Ginderske, 49th Ward Ald. Joe Moore, 47th Ward Alderman and abuser of eminent domain Eugene Schulter, Larry Suffredin (and all the street thugs lurking at her party), tells you what she is. Can you judge someone by the company they keep? Yes, actually, often you can. Steans hangs with a dirty crowd of dirty people with dirty fingers poking into dirty deals.Within the past week we learned this disturbing news: "TIF, a financial tool used to improve an area by developing new properties, is being proposed by the Steans Family Foundation, which aims to revitalize Chicago’s West Side, including North Lawndale. If the proposed TIF redevelopment plan is approved, property taxes in the area would freeze for 23 years. The TIF then receives funding from a portion of the residents’ property taxes."
Why did Heather Steans not reveal this little bombshell prior to February 5th? Well, duh. She kept it hidden in her purse because she knew damned well that many voters - perhaps enough to have made a difference - would have held it against her.But slippery tricks with TIF money is not unusual in Chicago, and the gang that Heather Steans hangs with is very adept at funneling TIF money into their own pet projects. It will be interesting to watch what other dirty secrets we will learn about Democrat Heather Steans. If she's as similar in spirit to her political allies in the local Machine, we can anticipate many.
Can somebody analyze her D-2s? Hat tip to Broken Heart.
by T. Mannis
NIU shooter stayed in RP
What is it about Chicago's Rogers Park neighborhood, especially the 49th Ward? We're the Fifth Bloggiest in the nation. We're [arguably] the most diverse in the nation. We are [inarguably] one of the strangest hoods in the USA. We have more than our share of weirdness. For example: Joe Moore, the alderman who fights foie gras. Jay R. Grodner, the attorney who vandalized a US Marine's car. The recent Invisible Ink voting incident. And now, Stephen Kazmierczak, the nutbag killer who shot up an auditorium full of students at NIU.Apparently Stephen Kazmierczak, the Northern Illinois University shooter lived for a time at Thresholds-Mary Hill House mental health facility at 7356 North Winchester. According to published reports he "was placed at the psychiatric treatment center after attending Elk Grove, Ill., High School by his parents." ...We're so proud of our little neighborhood.
by T. Mannis
by T. Mannis
Guns might have Prevented NIU Massacre
Political correctness killed those students at NIU last week.
If the administrators of NIU had been smart enough to allow their security guards to carry firearms, and had an armed guard been in the large hall where a nutjob opened fire from a stage last week, the guard might have been able to take down the shooter before more people were shot. It must also be noted that metal detectors could have helped, as well.
If political correctness had not allowed the lunatic shooter to be on the streets, rather than institutionalized as we now know he should have been, he could not have killed those students and badly injured more. His girlfriend would not be heartbroken today. I wouldn't be writing this post and you wouldn't be reading it.
If the State of Illinois would butch up and allow conceal-carry, Susie or Justin or Britney sitting in the fourth row of that auditorium might have been able to take down the insane killer before he could get off a second shot. 48 of our 50 states allow conceal-carry in some form or another. Illinois is one. Wisconsin, where the NIU shooter bought his weapon, is the other.
But the usual crowd of spineless, clueless anti-gun propagandists have been screaming for more gun control. Idiotic, that. Chicago already has strict gun control. Do the gangsters care? Do they obey those laws? Drugs are strictly illegal, too. But walk down any street in Chicago, Morse Avenue for example, and you'll pass plenty of people who are carrying guns and/or drugs. About the only people in Chicago, in Illinois (and Wisconsin) who conceal and carry firearms are the criminals. The law abiding people are denied the legal right to do so. That's you, pal. Instead of screaming for more gun control, we should all be demanding the right to carry a registered weapon to be able to defend ourselves, our families, our friends, our classmates.
by T. Mannis Posted 2/18/2008
If the administrators of NIU had been smart enough to allow their security guards to carry firearms, and had an armed guard been in the large hall where a nutjob opened fire from a stage last week, the guard might have been able to take down the shooter before more people were shot. It must also be noted that metal detectors could have helped, as well.
If political correctness had not allowed the lunatic shooter to be on the streets, rather than institutionalized as we now know he should have been, he could not have killed those students and badly injured more. His girlfriend would not be heartbroken today. I wouldn't be writing this post and you wouldn't be reading it.
If the State of Illinois would butch up and allow conceal-carry, Susie or Justin or Britney sitting in the fourth row of that auditorium might have been able to take down the insane killer before he could get off a second shot. 48 of our 50 states allow conceal-carry in some form or another. Illinois is one. Wisconsin, where the NIU shooter bought his weapon, is the other.
But the usual crowd of spineless, clueless anti-gun propagandists have been screaming for more gun control. Idiotic, that. Chicago already has strict gun control. Do the gangsters care? Do they obey those laws? Drugs are strictly illegal, too. But walk down any street in Chicago, Morse Avenue for example, and you'll pass plenty of people who are carrying guns and/or drugs. About the only people in Chicago, in Illinois (and Wisconsin) who conceal and carry firearms are the criminals. The law abiding people are denied the legal right to do so. That's you, pal. Instead of screaming for more gun control, we should all be demanding the right to carry a registered weapon to be able to defend ourselves, our families, our friends, our classmates.
by T. Mannis Posted 2/18/2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
Craig's Caption Contest

PBS is reporting Joe Moore and Dave Fagus were up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin this weekend campaigning for Barack Obama. And to prove it, they snapped this exclusive photo.
Let's have some fun today with a little caption contest. What's Joe saying to this unknown blond girl? I'm guessing Joe said something like this. - "My girlfriend is back in Chicago and I'm staying at a Holiday Inn Express tonight. Why don't you stop by room 302 and I'll show you my Magic Voting Pen"? -
Now, you try.
Posted by Craig Gernhardt at 7:00 AM
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Northern Illinois University Gunman Stayed in Rogers Park
February 17, 2008
Bernard Garbo said "Just noticed that there's a connection between our beat (2424) and the NIU shooting. Apparently Stephen Kazmierczak, the Northern Illinois University shooter lived for a time at Thresholds-Mary Hill House mental health facility at 7356 North Winchester. According to published reports he was placed at the psychiatric treatment center after attending Elk Grove, Ill., High School by his parents." Unrelated to the shooting, neighbors were complaining about the facility at the last CAPS meeting. Most complaints focus on the residents and their behavior: loud, unruly, etc."
Posted by Craig Gernhardt at 8:30 AM
Bernard Garbo said "Just noticed that there's a connection between our beat (2424) and the NIU shooting. Apparently Stephen Kazmierczak, the Northern Illinois University shooter lived for a time at Thresholds-Mary Hill House mental health facility at 7356 North Winchester. According to published reports he was placed at the psychiatric treatment center after attending Elk Grove, Ill., High School by his parents." Unrelated to the shooting, neighbors were complaining about the facility at the last CAPS meeting. Most complaints focus on the residents and their behavior: loud, unruly, etc."
Posted by Craig Gernhardt at 8:30 AM
Handicapped Parking Disputes on W. Pratt Avenue

Saturday, February 16, 2008
The timeline
2:56 p.m. - I arrive on bicycle at 1136 W. Pratt and begin to take photos of two cars in the handicapped zone. There is a white van parked at the front of the zone; the rear half of the van is in the zone, technically a violation. I notice that even with half a van in the parking zone, two cars are comfortably parked within the zone, with room to spare.
2:58 p.m. - The man in the status car, between the van and the other car, says to me, “You photographing my poles?” “Uhm, say,” I respond, “that van is illegally parked
“I’m on the phone with the police right now, gonna get him towed,” he says.
I decide to hang around to watch. Suddenly, though, the man and the woman in the car behind him both drive away. Seconds later, Craig calls.“Hey, the scanner says there’s something going on at 1136 W. Pratt,” he says.
“Guess where I am right now,” I respond. We hang up just as a squad car arrives. Right place, right time, just good blogger instincts
The timeline
2:56 p.m. - I arrive on bicycle at 1136 W. Pratt and begin to take photos of two cars in the handicapped zone. There is a white van parked at the front of the zone; the rear half of the van is in the zone, technically a violation. I notice that even with half a van in the parking zone, two cars are comfortably parked within the zone, with room to spare.
2:58 p.m. - The man in the status car, between the van and the other car, says to me, “You photographing my poles?” “Uhm, say,” I respond, “that van is illegally parked
“I’m on the phone with the police right now, gonna get him towed,” he says.
I decide to hang around to watch. Suddenly, though, the man and the woman in the car behind him both drive away. Seconds later, Craig calls.“Hey, the scanner says there’s something going on at 1136 W. Pratt,” he says.
“Guess where I am right now,” I respond. We hang up just as a squad car arrives. Right place, right time, just good blogger instincts
The officer makes an illegal u-turn and pulls behind the van, writes a ticket, puts it on the driver’s window. “Why are you photographing this?” he says to me.
“It’s interesting,” I respond.
He gives me the fish eye. “Just don’t take my picture,” he says.
“Oh no, Sergeant Alexa and I have an understanding. If I get your photo I’ll pixelate your face and any identifying marks.” More fish eye. He drives off
3:15 - The drive, an Eastern European guy, comes out of nowhere. He sees the ticket. He tell him, “Hey, you need to drive away right now, there’s a tow truck coming.” Fish eye, again, but he says “Thanks.” Just then the cop returns. “You gotta move that van.” Heck, I just told him that, I thought.The cop makes an illegal u-turn and heads west into the sunset on Pratt.
by T. Mannis Posted 2/16/2008
“It’s interesting,” I respond.
He gives me the fish eye. “Just don’t take my picture,” he says.
“Oh no, Sergeant Alexa and I have an understanding. If I get your photo I’ll pixelate your face and any identifying marks.” More fish eye. He drives off
3:15 - The drive, an Eastern European guy, comes out of nowhere. He sees the ticket. He tell him, “Hey, you need to drive away right now, there’s a tow truck coming.” Fish eye, again, but he says “Thanks.” Just then the cop returns. “You gotta move that van.” Heck, I just told him that, I thought.The cop makes an illegal u-turn and heads west into the sunset on Pratt.
by T. Mannis Posted 2/16/2008
Just Walk Away, Rene
I almost interviewed Rene Camargo of DevCorp North at 12:00 noon today. But he overslept. No wait, he was waiting for me to confirm the interview. But he was in bed at noon. Or so he says. But Rene Camargo says a lot of things.
Camargo’s current employer, DevCorp North, is a company that is notorious for its reluctance to communicate.Oh sure, they talk a lot. They put out a newsletter or two. So let me clarify: DevCorp North communicates, but they hold back vital information, put out half truths and data that has nothing to do with them directly. And, yes, the occasional lie.
That’s not a good thing for a non-profit that works with the City of Chicago to improve the business climate of Rogers Park.DevCorp and its employees, of course, will tell anyone who listens that they are “transparent.” How ironically accurate that statement is. Yes, DevCorp, we see right through you.DevCorp employees are hard to get an audience with. Try phoning DevCorp and asking a serious question. You’re likely to get a line of bull, or wait forever for a return call.
Rene Camargo is one of the very few DevCorp employees who actually comes around to Morse Avenue. The only time I’ve ever seen DevCorp chief Kimberly Bares was last summer, when she proclaimed to a crowd of 18 or so that Morse Avenue was burgeoning and now offers all the services and goods we’ve ever dreamed of. Ye gods, what a load of crap. Haven’t seen her since then. Never see her in the clubs or restaurants. Anybody ever see Kimberly shopping at the Family Dollar Store? Perhaps she’ll frequent the new palm reader’s shop that opened recently, which provides a vital service to the neighborhood.
Last summer, The Bench broke the story about the Morse Avenue CTA overpass mural being done by artists who live outside of Rogers Park. The mural was promoted to the neighborhood as something that would bring us all together, promote Rogers Park, and kumbayah. I ran into the artists while they were working on it. They themselves told me that they live in “the Bronzeville-Hyde Park area,” not Rogers Park. The very next day, Rene Camargo and I were looking at the mural on Morse Avenue at Glenwood. I asked Rene why outside artists were brought in.“Oh,” he said, doey eyes all sincere, his voice as touching as a caring father’s, “oh they are local artists.”
“Uhm, Rene, they told me they live in Bronzeville.”
“No, they are Rogers Park artists,” he begged me to believe.
“Rene, are you trying to convince me that those people don’t know which neighborhood they live in? Or perhaps they’re lying to me about not living here?” That exchange is typical Rene Camargo. It is classic DevCorp Speak. Tell a bald faced lie and see if it flies. Much more about all this in the days and weeks to come. Let’s get back to Senor Camargo.
I have run into Rene Camargo many times over the past 18 months. Our exchanges have always been cordial. He’s a born schmoozer, a touchy feely kind of guy who most people find likable. I’m one of those people, and have had pleasant conversations and friendly arguments with him over drinks at Morseland. Rene love to talk a lot when he drinks, but I can’t say anymore because I promised him I’d not repeat all the things he has said about Joe Moore and David Fagus. So I won’t. I keep my word.
For the better part of a year, I’ve been asking Rene to let me do a video interview of him. Last October, he promised that he would do it, provided Kimberley Bares would allow him to. Several times since then, I asked Rene when the interview would happen. Finally, this past week, I ran into Rene at Common Cup. I asked him again. Again he said he’d ask Kimberly. To my amazement, he phoned me within the hour to say that she had approved it.“Great,” I said, “that’s great. Where?”
“At DevCorp offices,” Rene said.
“Cool,” I said, “or would you be more comfortable doing it at a coffee shop?”
“No, you come to the office and I give you a little tour,” he said.
We set the time for 12:00 noon today, Saturday, February 16.I biked up to DevCorp’s decrepit offices on decrepit Howard Street at 11:50 a.m. today. Door locked, lights out, but I was early. So I thought I’d grab a cup of coffee and come right back. After walking all the way to the Howard CTA station, I realized that I had never before noticed that there is virtually no coffee shop on Howard Street. Ah, I thought, the Dunkin’ Donuts just around the corner from the station, near the Gateway Centre shopping mall.No dice. Most of the shops there are closed, vacant, gone. A tattered sign hangs over the CTA overpass nearby that lies, “Business Open During Construction.” Sure, the ones that have managed to survive through the construction.
So, without coffee, I rode back to DevCorp’s office, past vacant storefronts, empty lots, and a sparkling new multimillion dollar government community center that won’t do a thing for local businesses. To listen to DevCorp and Rene Camargo, though, you might think Howard Street is the freeking Rodeo Drive of the Midwest.
At 12:01, still locked and dark, there was no sign of Rene Camargo. He drives a big SUV of some kind, a real gas guzzler, and it was nowhere in sight.So I took photos and chatted with folks as they passed by. One woman struggled to step over a mound of icy snow between the curb and the sidewalk.“Geez, you’d think DevCorp would shovel that, wouldn’t you?” I said cheerfully.
“Damn DevCorp don’t do shit,” she said back. The word “shit” came out forcefully.
“No, ma’am, you have a nice day.” I said.
At 12:20 I decided I had been stood up. When there are assholes in your life, my credo goes, make tripe soup. So I rode to the beach and took photos for about an hour. Beautiful day; photos will be posted tomorrow.I stopped at Ennui at 1:45 to warm up and grabbed a coffee. Drank it, then rode through the park again, over to Pratt Avenue, and photographed the drama in the handicapped parking zone (see related story).
At 3:55 p.m., I walked into Common Cup at Morse and Greenview. I drink a lot of coffee. Rene Carmargo was sitting in an easy chair in the corner. We looked at each other. I was at once relieved to see that he had not been killed in fiery car accident, and rather annoyed that he hadn’t called me.“Where were you?” I said.“I was here,” he said.
“You’ve been here for four hours?”
“I thought you were going to confirm, I didn’t know where we were going to meet.”
“That’s crap,” I said, and chuckles erupted behind me. “You said noon at the DevCorp office and you weren’t there. I waited twenty minutes.”
“Oh,” he said, in that warm, slippery tone. “Tom, I didn’t do anything.”
“That’s kind of the whole point,” the sympathetic barista muttered under her breath. I made a mental note of that and tucked it away. “That the whole point,” I said. He rose from his chair and approached me, in his patented I’m-going-embrace-you-now-because-I-yam-so-very-sorry-and-I-yam-your-best-friend-please-don’t-be-upset-with-me style.
Arms about to enfold me in a bear hug, I put my hand up and said, “Rene, get the fuck away from me. Don’t touch me.”
Fortunately, I don’t have to say that to other men very often. I paid for my coffee and left.Ten minutes later I was home. My phone rang. It was Rene.
I answered the phone with, “Where were you at noon?”
“I was in bed,” he said.
“You said you were at Common Cup! Now you say you were in bed?”
“Tom, you must trust me,” he said. It was getting creepy.
“I can’t trust you, Rene.”
“Why not?”
“You work for DevCorp.”
“But we are friends,” he pleaded.
“We’ve been friendly. We’re not friends. You’ve lied to me repeatedly in the past. It’s over.”I hung up. Moments later, he called again, but I just let it ring.
by T. Mannis Posted 2/16/2008
I almost interviewed Rene Camargo of DevCorp North at 12:00 noon today. But he overslept. No wait, he was waiting for me to confirm the interview. But he was in bed at noon. Or so he says. But Rene Camargo says a lot of things.
Camargo’s current employer, DevCorp North, is a company that is notorious for its reluctance to communicate.Oh sure, they talk a lot. They put out a newsletter or two. So let me clarify: DevCorp North communicates, but they hold back vital information, put out half truths and data that has nothing to do with them directly. And, yes, the occasional lie.
That’s not a good thing for a non-profit that works with the City of Chicago to improve the business climate of Rogers Park.DevCorp and its employees, of course, will tell anyone who listens that they are “transparent.” How ironically accurate that statement is. Yes, DevCorp, we see right through you.DevCorp employees are hard to get an audience with. Try phoning DevCorp and asking a serious question. You’re likely to get a line of bull, or wait forever for a return call.
Rene Camargo is one of the very few DevCorp employees who actually comes around to Morse Avenue. The only time I’ve ever seen DevCorp chief Kimberly Bares was last summer, when she proclaimed to a crowd of 18 or so that Morse Avenue was burgeoning and now offers all the services and goods we’ve ever dreamed of. Ye gods, what a load of crap. Haven’t seen her since then. Never see her in the clubs or restaurants. Anybody ever see Kimberly shopping at the Family Dollar Store? Perhaps she’ll frequent the new palm reader’s shop that opened recently, which provides a vital service to the neighborhood.
Last summer, The Bench broke the story about the Morse Avenue CTA overpass mural being done by artists who live outside of Rogers Park. The mural was promoted to the neighborhood as something that would bring us all together, promote Rogers Park, and kumbayah. I ran into the artists while they were working on it. They themselves told me that they live in “the Bronzeville-Hyde Park area,” not Rogers Park. The very next day, Rene Camargo and I were looking at the mural on Morse Avenue at Glenwood. I asked Rene why outside artists were brought in.“Oh,” he said, doey eyes all sincere, his voice as touching as a caring father’s, “oh they are local artists.”
“Uhm, Rene, they told me they live in Bronzeville.”
“No, they are Rogers Park artists,” he begged me to believe.
“Rene, are you trying to convince me that those people don’t know which neighborhood they live in? Or perhaps they’re lying to me about not living here?” That exchange is typical Rene Camargo. It is classic DevCorp Speak. Tell a bald faced lie and see if it flies. Much more about all this in the days and weeks to come. Let’s get back to Senor Camargo.
I have run into Rene Camargo many times over the past 18 months. Our exchanges have always been cordial. He’s a born schmoozer, a touchy feely kind of guy who most people find likable. I’m one of those people, and have had pleasant conversations and friendly arguments with him over drinks at Morseland. Rene love to talk a lot when he drinks, but I can’t say anymore because I promised him I’d not repeat all the things he has said about Joe Moore and David Fagus. So I won’t. I keep my word.
For the better part of a year, I’ve been asking Rene to let me do a video interview of him. Last October, he promised that he would do it, provided Kimberley Bares would allow him to. Several times since then, I asked Rene when the interview would happen. Finally, this past week, I ran into Rene at Common Cup. I asked him again. Again he said he’d ask Kimberly. To my amazement, he phoned me within the hour to say that she had approved it.“Great,” I said, “that’s great. Where?”
“At DevCorp offices,” Rene said.
“Cool,” I said, “or would you be more comfortable doing it at a coffee shop?”
“No, you come to the office and I give you a little tour,” he said.
We set the time for 12:00 noon today, Saturday, February 16.I biked up to DevCorp’s decrepit offices on decrepit Howard Street at 11:50 a.m. today. Door locked, lights out, but I was early. So I thought I’d grab a cup of coffee and come right back. After walking all the way to the Howard CTA station, I realized that I had never before noticed that there is virtually no coffee shop on Howard Street. Ah, I thought, the Dunkin’ Donuts just around the corner from the station, near the Gateway Centre shopping mall.No dice. Most of the shops there are closed, vacant, gone. A tattered sign hangs over the CTA overpass nearby that lies, “Business Open During Construction.” Sure, the ones that have managed to survive through the construction.
So, without coffee, I rode back to DevCorp’s office, past vacant storefronts, empty lots, and a sparkling new multimillion dollar government community center that won’t do a thing for local businesses. To listen to DevCorp and Rene Camargo, though, you might think Howard Street is the freeking Rodeo Drive of the Midwest.
At 12:01, still locked and dark, there was no sign of Rene Camargo. He drives a big SUV of some kind, a real gas guzzler, and it was nowhere in sight.So I took photos and chatted with folks as they passed by. One woman struggled to step over a mound of icy snow between the curb and the sidewalk.“Geez, you’d think DevCorp would shovel that, wouldn’t you?” I said cheerfully.
“Damn DevCorp don’t do shit,” she said back. The word “shit” came out forcefully.
“No, ma’am, you have a nice day.” I said.
At 12:20 I decided I had been stood up. When there are assholes in your life, my credo goes, make tripe soup. So I rode to the beach and took photos for about an hour. Beautiful day; photos will be posted tomorrow.I stopped at Ennui at 1:45 to warm up and grabbed a coffee. Drank it, then rode through the park again, over to Pratt Avenue, and photographed the drama in the handicapped parking zone (see related story).
At 3:55 p.m., I walked into Common Cup at Morse and Greenview. I drink a lot of coffee. Rene Carmargo was sitting in an easy chair in the corner. We looked at each other. I was at once relieved to see that he had not been killed in fiery car accident, and rather annoyed that he hadn’t called me.“Where were you?” I said.“I was here,” he said.
“You’ve been here for four hours?”
“I thought you were going to confirm, I didn’t know where we were going to meet.”
“That’s crap,” I said, and chuckles erupted behind me. “You said noon at the DevCorp office and you weren’t there. I waited twenty minutes.”
“Oh,” he said, in that warm, slippery tone. “Tom, I didn’t do anything.”
“That’s kind of the whole point,” the sympathetic barista muttered under her breath. I made a mental note of that and tucked it away. “That the whole point,” I said. He rose from his chair and approached me, in his patented I’m-going-embrace-you-now-because-I-yam-so-very-sorry-and-I-yam-your-best-friend-please-don’t-be-upset-with-me style.
Arms about to enfold me in a bear hug, I put my hand up and said, “Rene, get the fuck away from me. Don’t touch me.”
Fortunately, I don’t have to say that to other men very often. I paid for my coffee and left.Ten minutes later I was home. My phone rang. It was Rene.
I answered the phone with, “Where were you at noon?”
“I was in bed,” he said.
“You said you were at Common Cup! Now you say you were in bed?”
“Tom, you must trust me,” he said. It was getting creepy.
“I can’t trust you, Rene.”
“Why not?”
“You work for DevCorp.”
“But we are friends,” he pleaded.
“We’ve been friendly. We’re not friends. You’ve lied to me repeatedly in the past. It’s over.”I hung up. Moments later, he called again, but I just let it ring.
by T. Mannis Posted 2/16/2008
Saturday, February 16, 2008
* The Senator Steans TIF

February 16, 2008
News We Should've Known About a Month Ago.
"TIF, a financial tool used to improve an area by developing new properties, is being proposed by the Steans Family Foundation in Lawndale". A nod to the Lawndale Alliance. The below analysis is from their notes. And they're abso-'frickin'-lutely right.
* The will of local property owners-- who will pay over $250 million in property taxes over the next 23 years-seems to be ignored in favor of a handful of influential foundations and tax-exempt organizations.
* Up to 1,200 persons could be displaced as a result of the implementation of the proposed TIF. Likewise, 635 residential units could be impacted by building code violations.
* There are a substantial number of errors in the acquisition plan and the list of homes potentially displaced by the TIF.
* In a community that is currently 93% African, with a median income of $18,342, the plan calls for racial and economic diversity, but does not articulate how this would be achieved.
* The plan was not developed with broad based community input. There is no indication that the City Department of Planning and Development is willing to change the proposed redevelopment plan and budget to take into account the suggestions provided during the two public meetings they convened on the TIF.
* There are no mechanisms in place for community oversight for development in the Lawndale community. The Lawndale Community Conservation Council was dissolved several years ago. There is no TIF Advisory Council.
Blognotes: Hot damn! Heather took a bunch of people for suckers on the TIF issue. This looks like just another plan to screw poor minorities and its brought to us by non other than our new state senator. Photo by Tom Mannis
Posted by Craig Gernhardt at 12:00 PM

"According to Ginderske’s D-2 Final Report, Terry Feingold gave $15,800.00 of in-kind contributions to Ginderske in the form of “Consulting Catering.” (There was a separate $4,000 in-kind item for “consulting.”) That’s a hell of a lot of catering. Keep in mind, I was there folks, an embedded citizen journalist, right up to and for a short while after Ginderske lost in late February, 2007. I was at most of the Feingold catered events, and unless he prices a bowl of corn chowder somewhere in the neighborhood of $20 a bowl, with finger sandwiches priced around $10 each, I am bewildered as to just what that $15,800.00 involves."
Photo by Tom Mannis. Blognotes: Poor Mannis, got duped by a community back-stabber. At least he's one of the few who found his way back from the dark side. Now Mannis is so credible, his work is picked up by other real news sources. *Does that cost extra? Unsanitary food handling by Gold-N-Pear's Terry Feingold caught on film. Just look at those dirty ski gloves.
Posted by Craig Gernhardt at 9:30 AM
Posted by Craig Gernhardt at 9:30 AM
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