Thursday, February 21, 2008

A Note from The Shadow

A brief road trip left me with almost no internet access for the last 48 hours. I didn't think of that possibility when I started this over the weekend. My apologies to those who had started reading this blog already. Next time I'll have to find a friend to fill in for me.

When I read the blogs I figured that these guys must do nothing but sit at their computers all day. This is probably true. I mean who sits at home listening to a police scanner? Who has time to sit in coffeeshops reading blogs? Not me. There were SO many posts!

But now that I'm forced to take a closer look, this experience has shown me HOW MUCH of their material is lifted from other sites, legitimate journalists, and --mostly--from each other!

Now, I will include links to other sources but not back to either of their sites. I have not figured out how to include Craig's videos but give me some time and I'll figure it out. Tips? Mannis has put a copyright on some of his photos and I have not included those. I am waiting for word from Blogspot as to whether his posting of them makes them fair game. Any lawyers out there have the answer?

Thanks to all those who have sent me encouraging comments.


Amy said...

"Mannis has put a copyright on some of his photos and I have not included those."

Psssh. Big whoop. He stole copyrighted photos from my site and refused to take them down after I asked. Clearly copyright means nothing to him, so go for it.

Knightridge Overlook said...

Blogspot won't be giving you legal advice. Here are some thoughts: You can link to his pictures, rather than copying them, so the lack of making a copy avoids violating his copyright. Alternatively, you can do what Wikipedia does, which is to make small, lo-res copies and display those, under the theory that this counts as "fair use." Neither of these will make you absolutely safe (as nothing else will either), but if you wanted to be safe, you wouldn't be doing this. All Amy Carlton did was vote, and even that wasn't safe. It's like my attitude about Democrats. We're all so goddamn safe all the time that nothing ever gets done.