Sunday, February 17, 2008

Northern Illinois University Gunman Stayed in Rogers Park

February 17, 2008

Bernard Garbo said "Just noticed that there's a connection between our beat (2424) and the NIU shooting. Apparently Stephen Kazmierczak, the Northern Illinois University shooter lived for a time at Thresholds-Mary Hill House mental health facility at 7356 North Winchester. According to published reports he was placed at the psychiatric treatment center after attending Elk Grove, Ill., High School by his parents." Unrelated to the shooting, neighbors were complaining about the facility at the last CAPS meeting. Most complaints focus on the residents and their behavior: loud, unruly, etc."
Posted by Craig Gernhardt at 8:30 AM


Knightridge Overlook said...


the shadow said...

Maybe Craig is trying to get Toni D to come on board swinging her pink handbag. After all, it IS those damn nonprofits in RP that are causing all the problems, isn't it?

Speaking of Toni, those who are interested should go to tomorrow's meeting-and election-about the new Gale Park Fieldhouse. Watch as Toni and Eva and the "good" sister take over the new field house council. They will make sure it's safe for all the condo owners and keep the poor basketball playing scum out. Pink bananas anyone?