Saturday, February 16, 2008

* The Senator Steans TIF

February 16, 2008

News We Should've Known About a Month Ago.

"TIF, a financial tool used to improve an area by developing new properties, is being proposed by the Steans Family Foundation in Lawndale". A nod to the Lawndale Alliance. The below analysis is from their notes. And they're abso-'frickin'-lutely right.

* The will of local property owners-- who will pay over $250 million in property taxes over the next 23 years-seems to be ignored in favor of a handful of influential foundations and tax-exempt organizations.
* Up to 1,200 persons could be displaced as a result of the implementation of the proposed TIF. Likewise, 635 residential units could be impacted by building code violations.
* There are a substantial number of errors in the acquisition plan and the list of homes potentially displaced by the TIF.
* In a community that is currently 93% African, with a median income of $18,342, the plan calls for racial and economic diversity, but does not articulate how this would be achieved.
* The plan was not developed with broad based community input. There is no indication that the City Department of Planning and Development is willing to change the proposed redevelopment plan and budget to take into account the suggestions provided during the two public meetings they convened on the TIF.
* There are no mechanisms in place for community oversight for development in the Lawndale community. The Lawndale Community Conservation Council was dissolved several years ago. There is no TIF Advisory Council.

Blognotes: Hot damn! Heather took a bunch of people for suckers on the TIF issue. This looks like just another plan to screw poor minorities and its brought to us by non other than our new state senator. Photo by Tom Mannis
Posted by Craig Gernhardt at 12:00 PM


The Shadow said...

Did Craig lose his camera?

been there said...

photo is NOT by tom mannis. that photo came out of the steans campaign. it is on a bunch of lit.

the shadow said...

Mannis took it and photoshopped it to make her look as unattractive as possible. All photos on his blog are suspect.

Anyone got a good picture of mannis or craig for me to use on the masthead? You can send them to